Adhesives, conditioners


278758 001 720x600
33,10 € –16 %
Orbis ORBI-Bond TE acetone-free
For order
Code: 278758
Was: 33,10 €  (–16 %)
27,50 €
(25,50 € excl. VAT)
260698 003 720x600
54,20 € –16 %
Orbis ORBI-Bond SE one
For order
Code: 260698
Was: 54,20 €  (–16 %)
45,10 €
(41,80 € excl. VAT)
127,80 € –16 %
3M Scotchbond Universal Plus
For order
Code: S41294
Was: 127,80 €  (–16 %)
106,40 €
(98,50 € excl. VAT)
Screenshot 2022 11 18 at 13 19 43 Masterbond ARKONA
35,70 € –16 %
Was: 35,70 €  (–16 %)
29,70 €
(27,50 € excl. VAT)
single bond 2
71,20 € –16 %
3M Adper Single Bond 2
For order
Code: 541.01
Was: 71,20 €  (–16 %)
59,20 €
(54,80 € excl. VAT)
DMG LuxaBond Total Etch
203,60 € –19 %
DMG LuxaBond Total Etch
Delivery within 7-10 working days
Code: 2452.01
Was: 203,60 €  (–19 %)
164,90 €
(152,70 € excl. VAT)
Single bond universal DCA
109,10 € –16 %
Was: 109,10 €  (–16 %)
90,80 €
(84,10 € excl. VAT)
Gluma Bond Universal
from 70,20 € –16 %
Kulzer Gluma Bond Universal
For order
Code: K66061421
Was: 70,20 €  (–16 %)
from 58,50 €
(from 54,20 € excl. VAT)
from 106 € up to –19 %
Kerr OptiBond FL
For order
Code: 2666.01
Was: 106 €  (–19 %)
from 88,20 €
(from 81,70 € excl. VAT)
gpremiobond press5
from 106,70 € up to –29 %
GC G-Premio Bond
For order
Code: 1787.01
Was: 106,70 €  (–29 %)
from 75,50 €
(from 69,90 € excl. VAT)
25,40 € –16 %
19,50 € excl. VAT
21,10 € / pcs

Ketac Conditioner is a polyacrylic acid solution for removal of the smear layer after tooth preparation.

Dentin conditioning with Ketac Conditioner significantly increases the bond of glass ionomer cement fillings.


1 x 10 ml

Code: 1933.01
278758 001 720x600
33,10 € –16 %
25,50 € excl. VAT
27,50 € / pcs

ORBI-Bond TE is a light-curing one-component bond for the total etch technique.

It is designed for strong bonding of composites and compomers, to etched enamel and dentin.

It is compatible with all light-curing composite materials currently available on the market.

It is hydrophilic, ethanol-based and acetone-free.


1 x 5 ml

Code: 278758
Screenshot 2022 11 18 at 13 19 43 Masterbond ARKONA
Medical device - to be purchased by professionals only
35,70 € –16 %
27,50 € excl. VAT
29,70 € / pcs

Masterbond is a universal, one-bottle dental adhesive system.

Ensures adhesive strength on the level of 20 ± 3 MPa to enamel and approx. 12 ± 2 MPa to dentine.

This light cured dental adhesive system is used to bond the hard tissues of the tooth and composite; improve the marginal seal between the restoration and the tooth; reduce polymerisation shrinkage; prepare the surfaces of restorations prior to their cementation using dual cure resin cements.


1 x 4 ml

Code: 9903T22
260698 003 720x600
54,20 € –16 %
41,80 € excl. VAT
45,10 € / pcs

ORBI-Bond SE one is a self-etching, light-curing one-component adhesive for direct light-curing restorations.

The bonding is solvent-free and therefore always of consistent quality.

A permanent bond to the tooth is achieved with just one layer.

Thanks to the optimised composition, extremely good adhesion to enamel and dentine is achieved.


1 x 5 ml

Code: 260698
Gluma Bond Universal
from 70,20 € –16 %
from 54,20 € excl. VAT
from 58,50 € / pcs

Gluma Bond Universal is a universal bonding system that, thanks to its unique moisture control system based on MDP (10-methacryloyl oxydecyl phosphate), allows easy air-drying while ensuring a uniform bonding layer.

Thanks to the patented droplet dosage control system, the amount of bonding agent to be applied can be measured precisely.

The Gluma Bond Universal bonding system guarantees highest efficiency, ease of use and reliable bonding.


1 x 4 ml

3 x 4 ml

+ more
Code: K66061421
single bond 2
71,20 € –16 %
54,80 € excl. VAT
59,20 € / pcs

Adper Single Bond 2 is a direct, light-cured, single-bottle, hydrophilic nano-filler bonding system containing 10% colloidal filler with a diameter of 5 nm, for use in direct and indirect restorations.

The product requires no shaking, the nano filler is stable and does not settle to the bottom of the bottle.


1 x 6 g

Code: 541.01
gpremiobond press5
from 106,70 € up to –29 %
from 69,90 € excl. VAT
from 75,50 € / pcs

G-Premio Bond is a one-bottle, light-curing, universal bonding agent compatible with all etching modes.

Characterised by excellent adhesion to enamel and dentin, it has its uses in both direct restoration, repair and hypersensitivity treatment.

The unique formulation based on three functional monomers (4-MET, MDP and MDTP) allows permanent bonding not only to tooth tissue but also to composites, metals, zirconium oxide and alumina.


1 x 5 ml

3 x 5 ml

+ more
Code: 1787.01
Medical device - to be purchased by professionals only
from 106 € up to –19 %
from 81,70 € excl. VAT
from 88,20 € / pcs

OptiBond FL is a two-part primer adhesive system indicated for direct light cured applications.

This total-etch, two-component dental adhesive features an unique structural bond with 48% filler load.

Available in separate bottles and in kits:

Kit I OptiBond Fl Kit: 1 x 8 ml OptiBond FL prime bottle; 1 x 8 ml OptiBond FL adhesive bottle; 1 x 3 g syringe gel etchant; 10 x disposable gel etchant syringe tip; 25 x disposable mixing wells; 50 x disposable applicator tips OptiBond FL refill packs.

Kit II OptiBond FL Unidose: 50 x foil packs (1 pouch includes 1 x primer Unidose, 1 x adhesive Unidose, 1 applicator tip).


1 x 8 ml (Primer)

1 x 8 ml (Adhesive)

2 x 8 ml (Kit I OptiBond Kit)

1 x 50 pcs. (Kit II OptiBond Unidose)

Code: 2666.01
Single bond universal DCA
Medical device - to be purchased by professionals only
109,10 € –16 %
84,10 € excl. VAT
90,80 € / pcs

The Single Bond Universal DCA Dual Cure Activator consists of sodium toluene sulfinate and ethanol.

When the activator is mixed with Single Bond Universal Adhesive, it allows for bonding to self- and dual-curing core build-up, composite and cement materials that rely on the self-cure mechanism for polymerizing the material.


1 x 5 ml

Code: 1984.01
3M ESPE Single Bond Universal
Medical device - to be purchased by professionals only
121,80 € –16 %
93,90 € excl. VAT
101,40 € / pcs

Single Bond Universal Adhesive is a unique dental adhesive. It is the single-bottle solution for all surfaces and can be used reliably in total-etch, self-etch or selective-etch mode for both direct and indirect restorations.

It provides the flexibility for the clinician to choose one adhesive to use independent of their preference of technique.

It bonds methacrylate-based restoratives, cement and sealant materials to dentin, enamel, glass ionomer and various indirect restorative substrates (metals, glass ceramics, alumina and zirconia) without an extra primer step.

The primary use is with light-cured materials—however, when used in conjunction with a separate activation solution, like Single Bond Universal DCA Dual Cure Activator, it has the capability to also bond to self- or dual- cure composite and cement materials that rely on self-cure polymerization. 


1 x 5 ml

Code: 138.01
127,80 € –16 %
98,50 € excl. VAT
106,40 € / pcs

Scotchbond Universal Plus, is the first universal X-ray impermeable adhesive, minimising the risk of X-ray misdiagnosis and invasive overtreatment.

It provides gold-standard adhesion to all dental substrates, including glass ceramics, without the need for a separate primer, silane or activator.


1 x 5 ml

Code: S41294
DMG LuxaBond Total Etch
Medical device - to be purchased by professionals only
203,60 € –19 %
DMG LuxaBond Total Etch
Delivery within 7-10 working days
152,70 € excl. VAT
164,90 € / pcs

LuxaBond-Total Etch

Dual-curing adhesive system


- Self-curing: Hardens even without light

- No premature polymerization of bonding »pools«

- Compatible with self-curing and dual-curing materials

- Suitable for all applications with LuxaCore

- Pre-Bond facilitates quicker curing of the bond mix in the dentine for superior retention

- Easy root canal application with special Endobrushes

- Does not contain acetone



1x Bottle 5 ml Pre-Bond  

1x Bottle 5 ml Bond A  

1x Bottle 5 ml Bond B  

1x Syringe 2 ml Etching Gel Medium Viscosity  

25x Endobrushes Red  

25x Endobrushes Black  

3x Luer-Lock-Tips  

1x Mixing pad

Code: 2452.01
12 items total